Media Releases

Written By: Bluegumhills Admin

Media releases Australia

Media releases for Australia will be published in this page. No mater what the source is for media releases we will place it in this page. Sources from the newspaper and television even blogs if we can find them.

All kinds media listed in this page.

Newcastle Herald Men Without A Shed One more of the media releases made about our shed.

Media releases we try to be patient, we do really!

We try to be patient, but our mascot  can get a bit temperamental.

We don’t get much media releases as yet, but we are still out there getting quietly on with things. We don’t try to get in the newspapers or on television, it just happens from time to time. Men from the shed just get on with things and we seem to get media releases, all good we hope. We get out there and do our community projects for the community. Our membership is slowly building and we like to see more new members, all the time.

If you see any articles on us, please let us know and we will add them into this page. We will post any media releases that you find, even articles from other blogs. Doing the kind of activities that we do, does tend to attract attention from time to time. We try to stay out of the newspapers for any negative stuff, not that we have any of that kind of things. Oh well at least having our new T Shirt tops makes us look more professional, they are a smart  blue colour and the logo looks really good, it was created from our website template. Here is a sample of our business card.


It is a good card, gets the message across really well. we get our cards done with Vista Print, good quality and easy to order online. Most of our stationary is done with them, our banner was made by them, all very good stationary. 

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